Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Family Time!

....is a thing I cherish a lot. I absolutely love it when my family comes down to visit or when my sisters or niece call to talk. I'm from a family of six but if you saw me, you'd probably think I was an only child. Not only am I the youngest but I'm the only one that lives with my parents. I hate that I don't get to grow up with my sisters and we get to go shopping together and go out and party together. I always wanted to get ready together and I would do the makeup and she would do the hair or something. But all my siblings live elsewhere that takes hours to get here. I never really got to grow up with any of my sisters because they either moved out or one moved in with the other. I have brothers too but I'm a girl. They really have no interest in my hobbies lol I still love them all though. Any chance I get I tell them, "Come live with me! We'll have fun :D" My family is coming down next month and I am so excited! and also my niece will be moving in and I'm wayyy excited for that. We can both experience college together and I could help her out with all the college stuff. So bad things could happen, probably will happen but I don't mind. I'm happy :)

Testing out for later vlogging! Peace!

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